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Alberta Métis celebrate Daniels’ decision

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Compiled by Shari Narine







April 14, 2016. On Thursday evening, the McMurray Métis MNA Local 1935 hosted food, bannock and music at the Nistawoyou Friendship Centre to celebrate the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision which said the federal government has responsibility for Mets and non-status Indians. “This is a dream come true for Métis people,” said Gail Gallupe, president of the McMurray Métis. Metis Nation of Alberta President Audrey Poitras said, “This is the long awaited Métis victory we anticipated which is a significant advancement of the Métis rights agenda. I am confident that good things will follow for the Métis Nation.” The Alberta government released a statement saying it was reviewing the decision. “The Supreme Court’s decision does not change our commitment to building strong, collaborative relationships,” said Indigenous Relations Minister Richard Feehan.

Métis Nation of Alberta President Audrey Poitras with legal counsel Jason Madden in Ottawa examine the Daniels’ decision.

(Photo: Metis Nation of Alberta)