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More institutions sign on to Indigenous Education Protocol

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Compiled by Shari Narine







Confederation College’s Centre for Policy in Aboriginal Learning recently facilitated the signing of a national Indigenous Education Protocol by President Jim Madder. College partner, Leona Scanlon, chair of the Negahneewin Council, also signed in support of the college’s ongoing commitment to Aboriginal education. The Indigenous Education Protocol, developed by the Colleges and Institutes Canada in consultation with its members and partners in Indigenous communities, underscores the importance of the structures and approaches required to address Indigenous peoples’ learning needs and supports self-determination and socio-economic development of Indigenous communities. The IEP is founded on seven principles, including commitments to implementing more Aboriginal curriculum and increasing the number of employees with a First Nations, Inuit or Métis background at institutions. There are 19 participating institutions across the country. “This protocol reflects the work we have already been doing, and motivates us all to enrich conditions for Aboriginal learners, not only at this College, but across Canada,” said Scanlon.