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Westbank First Nations will co-manage the new Black Mountain/Sntsk’il’ntYn Regional Par

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Compiled by Debora Steel







Westbank First Nations will co-manage the new Black Mountain/Sntsk’il’ntYn Regional Parkwith the Regional District of Central Okanagan. The 1,260-acre park runs from Tower Ranch through to Highway 33. Sntsk’il’ntYn is a syilx/Okanagan word that means†“the place where arrowheads/flint rock is found”. The area was important to First Nations for gathering tools. It has four sensitive ecosystems, including species that are either endangered or threatened. “I think it’s going to offer a lot having Westbank First Nations on the actual title and having the co-management as a responsibility,” said Chief Robert Louie. “Anytime an area within our traditional territory is protected, we are pleased,” said Louie. The park will remain closed to the public until a management plan is created, and signage is developed.