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Games office opens

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Marjorie Roden, Sage Writer, PRINCE ALBERT







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During the noon hour on Dec. 1, the Prince Albert Grand Council opened its Winter Games office and souvenir store in Gateway Mall in downtown Prince Albert. Amid the prayers, drum songs, and speeches was the promise of, not only showcasing the young athletes and the city of Prince Albert, but also the young people who will be managing the office.

"A number of students and people from P.A. Urban Services, Youth Internship Program will be involved in operating the Games office from now until April," said assistant games manager, Mel Mercredi.

Prince Albert hosted the Winter Games in 1995, when they broke a record for attendance.

"We even beat the attendance of athletes for the [North American] Indigeneous Games, so we were very proud of that fact," said Prince Albert Grand Council vice chief Leonard Hardlotte.

"Also, we weren't ruined financially by those winter games, and the competition was very high."

Hardlotte has proven to be a leader in the area of organized sport, and from what the FSIN's vice chief Lindsay Cyr said at the ceremony, he will more than likely be looked upon to help with planning other games, whether they are in Prince Albert or not.

"I know that it's very difficult, and it takes a lot of time and effort to run these games," said Cyr. "Leonard Hardlotte is a hard worker, dedicated to these games, dedicated to the children.

"We're going to be asking him [for assistance] because we've been having some difficulties in another area." Cyr hopes to get Hardlotte to take over the Summer Games as well.

The Winter Games will be hosted by the Prince Albert Grand Council from April 16 to 20, 2001.