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Special needs kids the focus

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Cheryl Petten, Sage Writer, SASKATOON







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About 170 teachers, teacher aides and tutors from First Nations schools across Saskatchewan gathered in Saskatoon Jan. 25 and 26 to take part in a special education conference organized by the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN).

Gerry Hurton is special education specialist with FSIN. He explained the conference was organized to provide information geared specifically for those involved in educating special needs children in First Nations schools.

?The First Nations school systems don?t parallel the provincial systems, so our needs are different, and our types of supports that the teachers and para-professionals need are not always the same as the province. By having our own, we are able to focus on specific concerns. And then it?s a lot better to have presenters that are familiar with the First Nations school system as opposed to the provincial models,? Hurton said.

The conference included inservices for teacher assistants, two sessions on behavior disorders, and one on language development. Sessions were also held on the use of computers in special education, mediated learning, and wrap-around case management, or multi-agency models for delivery of services.

Hurton said feedback was positive, and he hopes another conference can be held next year.